Human-Centered Patient Recruitment

Patient enrollment and retention is about human engagement
Using human-centered design and contemporary digital methods for Patient Recruitment and Retention, ResearchMetrix observes the engagement and interactions, analyzes the responses and the reasons potential patients want to register for a trial, etc., to get a better sense of their emotional human-centered need, as opposed to trying to focus on purely the medical condition.
In other words, ResearchMetrix asks the right questions, does deep observation, and shares valuable insight with clients to develop better ideas, strategies and recruitment and retention tactics.
Grow Your Enrollments
High-performance Clinical Trial Recruitment and Retention is one that delivers consistent, memorable, and trusted experiences for each Patient. And given that success is directly linked to human engagement, it's critical to know where your Principal Investigator's brand and reputation stand. ResearchMetrix evaluation is a sure way to seek out actionable insights and improvements.
When your program's success relies on Patient Enrollment and Retention support, you must ensure your messages reach the right people. ResearchMetrix is highly experienced at engagement and enrollment, which reveal key fundamental insights to appeal to patients' sensitivities and involvement.
Campaign success is based on understanding and perception of the audience; getting an early read on the campaign is invaluable. ResearchMetrix process is designed to help you measure the impact and effectiveness of your marketing efforts, including message compliance, from launch to engagement and credibility.
Why Choose Us
Over 1000 Campaigns Launched
Over 17,000 Registrations Collected
4.78% Average Click Rate
3 G+ Digital Impressions
Canada, US & Australia
Advanced Digital Tools
ResearchMetrix is a full-service clinical trial recruitment agency unlike any other. We are an extension to your internal research team for; human engagement Patient Recruitment and Retention to achieve maximum enrollment growth for leading sponsors, principal investigators, clinics, and CROs
Deliver more relevant campaigns, increase Patient Recruitment and Retention rates and create a happier, more engaging Enrollment.