Clinical Trials
Clinical trials are the next step in drug development to see if a treatment is safe and effective for the general population. Clinical trials study potential new therapies in healthy volunteers and/or people with a specific illness or condition. These treatments have already shown their merit in pretrial experiments indicating they are ready for the next phase of the process, human-centered trials.

Who is involved

The Sponsor
An individual or institution (frequently a pharmaceutical or biotechnology company) that initiates and oversees a clinical trial.
The Clinical Research Site
A clinic where participants are seen for their study visits and procedures, including but not limited to hospitals, private practices, academic centers, and dedicated research clinics. NOTE: Sites may conduct decentralized trials. They manage the trial results and conduct the trial according to the protocol. However, the trial occurs outside the traditional brick-and-mortar clinical site.
The Principal Investigator (PI)
The principal investigator prepares and carries out the clinical trial protocol (plan for the study) or research paid for by the sponsor. The principal investigator also analyzes the data and reports on
the sponsored research results.
The Study Coordinator
Clinical trial coordinators assist in finding patients or healthy volunteers who may be eligible to participate in a study. They are often the primary contact for the participating Patients and are responsible for running the day-to-day operations of the trial.
The Patient
A person who has enrolled to take part in a clinical trial.
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
IRBs are charged with providing an independent evaluation that the proposed research is ethically acceptable and evaluating compliance with regulations and laws designed to protect the Patient. This includes but is not limited to all publicly accessible clinical research trial materials, promotions, and supporting assets.
Some of our Patient Recruitment and Retention success.
Note: The below samples are the results of successful Patient Recruitment and Retention campaigns and are not limited to these specific indications. Our team has in-depth experience with an extensive range of indications and the capability to work with all types of clinical research trials.

Campaign: Alopecia Areata
Media Buy: Facebook
Creative Agency: Research Metrix
Results: 1.38%*
** Goal 0.83%
Alopecia Areata (USA)

Campaign: Plaque Psoriasis
Media Buy: Facebook
Creative Agency:Research Metrix
Results: 1.46%*
** Goal 0.83%
Plaque Psoriasis ( CAN)

Campaign: Palmoplantar Pustulosis
Media Buy: Adwords
Creative Agency:Research Metrix
Results: 4.87%*
** Goal 3.27%
Palmoplantar Pustulosis (AUS)
** RESULTS : The Click Through Rate Results of each campaign was significantly higher than the anticipated Goal **

Campaign: Atopic Dermatitis
Media Buy: Adwords
Creative Agency: Research Metrix
Results: 4.27%*
** Goal 3.27%
Atopic Dermatitis (CAN)

Campaign: Psoriatic Arthritis
Media Buy: Facebook
Creative Agency: Research Metrix
Results: 1.33%*
** Goal 0.83%
Psoriatic Arthritis (AUS)

Campaign: Notalgia Paresthetica
Media Buy: Facebook
Creative Agency: Research Metrix
Results: 2.01%*
** Goal 0.83%
Notalgia Paresthetica (CAN)
** RESULTS : The Click Through Rate Results of each campaign was significantly higher than the anticipated Goal **
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